Everything went well today. We got there at 6:30 this morning, they took her in at 7:30 as scheduled, and we were sent home at 2:30. Anna didn't want to wake up right away afterward, but there weren't any problems, she was just tired. When she did wake up she was very loopy and kept dropping her Popsicle and giggling about it. She was adorable. Everything got done when it needed to get done, and everyone was nice as usual, and Anna got many parting gifts including her bubble gum scented sleepy mask. The only thing that didn't go well was the ride home! Snow again! I am so sick of it! It took us until 5:30 to get home, and it only took us 40 minutes to get to the hospital this morning.
Anyway, Anna is back to her normal self. We will get the results possibly by this coming Monday, and if everything looks good we will start the weaning Monday!
Just wanted to let everyone know that Anna is participating in the withdrawal study. I talked about this in a past post, but it's been a while. You can read about it more HERE
When we went to clinic on Anna's anniversary, Jason and I talked to Dr. Ekong more about the study and our worries and concerns, and we decided to go ahead and do it! It only took a year for us to decide! It made us feel better when Dr. Ekong said that they "really cherry pick" the patients they chose to be in this study, and they wouldn't involve Anna unless they were sure that we could all handle it. Anna had some blood tests the week after she had labs done during transplant clinic. When all of those came back and looked good, they decided to go ahead and schedule the biopsy. They want to be certain that everything looks good before they go ahead with the weaning of her prograf, and that's why they do the biopsy for this study. The biopsy was one of the things that was holding me back from wanting to do the study in the first place, but now she is due for one anyway since it's been three years (our center likes to do a routine biopsy every three years).
I am nervous, but excited to do this! The weaning is done over a 9 month period. She will go back to going for clinic every three months, and labs every other week. If everything goes good with the weaning Anna will be off all meds by next year! I'm so excited for that! Maybe Anna will be a help for patients in the future!
Wish us luck tomorrow! We have to stay for 6 hours after they do the biopsy so that they can monitor her liver functions! It will be a long day, and Anna is a little nervous about it.