Friday, September 21, 2007

Well, the Birthday week is over. The girls have had a fabulous week full over birthday celebrations! Monday we went to Giordano's with Jason's parents. Aside from them screwing up our order and having to have the Birthday girl's wait for their peperoni pizza, it was fun.

We came home (stuffed) and had cake (which I had to force down my throat) and the girls opened their gifts from Grandma and Papa. I originally made a cake for the girls, but somehow while I was frosting it, it fell apart. It was so bad that it was unsaveable. Since I waited till that day to make the cake, I didn't have time to attempt another one, so I had to go buy one for $13.99. Otherwise, the cake mix and the frosting barley reached three dollars. Oh well, I tried.

I would have taken more pictures, but of course my camera ran low on batteries and I didn't have anymore on hand. I really hate when that happens because I am all about taking pictures! And, speaking being camera happy, the girls have been taking many pictures with their new "digital camera's." They have taken a lot, and most of the time they don't turn out very well, but once in a while you'll get pictures like these that makes it all worth while:

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They took their camera's outside and obviously forgot to take any of Anna! Mary and her friend were too involved with taking pictures, and having pictures taken of themselves with Mary's webkinz and Brianna's (Mary's nieghbor firend) guinni pig. Uncle Victor came over Sunday to watch the Bears, and that picture up top of Mary with him, Anna took. I love how the girls possed the barbie dolls for a photo shoot! And the poor cats, with the wbkinz.

Tuesday wasn't really celebrated, unless you want to count a trip to the Dentist the day before Mary turns 10, a birthday celebration. It wasn't bad this time though. Mary cooperated for once, so that helped. Anna has two more cavities. This makes 8 cavities in her 6 years. When Anna opened her mouth for the Dentist, he took one look and wanted x-rays. I knew this wasn't good. So, we go back next month, on MY Birthday of course, to get fillings. They also let me know that Anna doesn't have much room in her mouth for all of those teeth that are coming in, so they WILL grow in crooked. She WILL need braces in the future and possibly some teeth pulled to make room. The poor girl, and of course it has to be her that has dental problems, right? Mary's teeth are perfect though. Thank God, because she could not handle fillings.

Tomorrow we are going for labs and a 24 hour urine creatinine clearance test. Today I am collecting all of the urine Anna passes and keeping it in my fridge in a container clearly marked so that no one mistakes it for apple juice. YUCK! This test is done to monitor kidney function of children who have been on medication that can affect kidney function. I'm sure it will turn out fine though!