Friday, April 29, 2005

We've started the weaning process!

A little while back I posted about the possibilty of Weaning Immunosupresents. We were supposed to get back to Dr. Alonso a few weeks ago, but with the baby coming sooner than we expected we put it off for a little while. We have decided to go ahead with it. They told me to go ahead and start by taking away Anna's evening dose of Prograf, and go for labs in two weeks. YIKES! They made it sound so easy, but I guess it is. It freaks me out a little that we will go for a whole two weeks without checking liver function and Prograf level. Trust me, I am watching Anna like a hawk, but so far so good! So starting last week we took away her evening dose of Prograf all together and we go for labs in another week. I know it will all be just fine, it will work out to Anna's benifit. Please keep Anna in your Prayers.