Wednesday, July 11, 2007

In a few years???????

Mary has been taking Viola lessons weekly from my little (soon to be married) sister, Deborah. Today we went to her 3rd lesson and Deborah says that, for this being only her 3rd lesson, Mary is doing very, very well. Deborah thinks that by the beginning of the fall, when Mary starts Viola in school, she will be way ahead of everyone. I wonder if they might transfer her to the fifth grade Orchestra? Deborah says she might be playing actual songs by this time, and fourth grade Orchestra will be teaching reading notes and plucking songs(something Mary can already do). Mary loves everything that has to do with music. She has a guitar and has taken lessons from a friend of Jasons. Mary also has a piano (keyboard) which she teaches herself to play. She just has it in her blood. She totally looks up to Deborah and hopes to play as well as her some day. Deborah said she has had students in the past that just don't seem interested at all, but Mary is different. She wants to learn, she practices all the time! a few years...if she sets her mind to it...she could very well be as good as Deborah (or at least close to it)!

Once again, my little digital camera isn't the best for recording, but it is all I have. The sound doesn't do Deborah justice. Deborah has studied mostly Violin since she was in fourth grade, but this is her on her Viola.

Mary has a ways to she is practicing her notes.