Didn't forget about my blog again guys, don't worry! We went up to Wisconsin for the weekend! Our lovely friends Matt and Jonelle rented a house on the lake for the weekend and invited us to come along! We haven't been on vacation since Disney World 2 years back so this was a treat for us! It's always nice to get away, we brought the two oldest girls with us, and poor baby Alex gets left behind again. Not by herself of course, but with her grandparents. I think they were more excited to get Alexandria to themselves than we were to go without her! I did feel really bad to leave her when it came down to it, but a potty training 2 year old would have made it difficult. Not to mention the three hour car ride. The girls just loved it. So did everyone else, but it's way cooler when your a kid. If your ever in the Dells, I highly recommend this show, but go for one of the night shows because that's when they have the water and light show too! When we got back to the house we built a fire and had smores! It was the perfect end to a perfect day! On Saturday we had a rental boat for the day. It was nice for the guys to go fishing with Mary and Anna while the gals went to a craft show and downtown shopping! We all went on the boat later, just cruised around, and Jason and the girls went swimming in the lake (with life jackets of course)! We had to check out early on the last day there. After check out we went to a water park. It was fun, but Jason and I got sunburned.
When We got home we picked up Alexandria right away. We all missed her so much! To make it up to her we went to Brookfield zoo the next Morning. We had already had plans to meet up with some friends there, but we stayed for only a few hours. It was hot, and the
Cicadas were all over the place. One flew in my ear! I probably looked like an idiot screaming and flailing all over the place, but the darn thing was screaming in my ear. I hate those things. Also Anna was crabby. She had an eczema flare up, probably because of the lake water. Jason and I were uncomfortable with our sunburns anyway, even though we covered our shoulders just the sun beating down on us! We got to see Alexandria's favorites though, the Monkey house and the dolphin show. That's all that matters!
Thanks for checking in, and of course I will post pictures too!
Here was the back of the rental house.

Here is a view from the deck looking our into the backyard where the lake was.

Mary and Anna at the Tommy Bartlett show.

Anna and Jonelle by the fire.

Mary and Anna sitting on the dock waiting for the boat.

On the boat with Daddy.

See how happy Alex is? At the zoo!

Waiting for the Dolphine show to start. The girls with my friend Jenny's son Brandon.