This is her dancing along to "Somebody to Love"
And here she is dancing to "Don't go breaking my Heart" She doesn't like me to sing with her, it can only be her, or she gets mad.
In other news, we got our Kitten Diego neutered last week. Of course, nothing medically in my life can ever just be a "simple procedure." The poor boy only had one dropped testicle, so they had to go in to find the other one before they could neuter him. He was in so much pain when he got home, it took him three hours to crawl out of his carrier. The first place he walked to was his litter box. I had to help him in and out though. My poor baby kitty. To make matters worse, Gizmo my older cat, who was so sad that Diego was gone, must have thought we brought a different cat home. He was hissing and growling at the poor guy. Finally after 5 days, he is starting to accept him again. I don't know why he was acting like that, I thought he would be so happy to see him come home after crying all day for him.