We had a fun filled Halloween! Not only did the kids get to dress up on the day of, but they dressed for a fun fair at the park district where Mary won most beautiful costume, and Alex cried her little eyes out because she thought she deserved a trophy too (and if you ask me she should have won cutest superhero!). We also went to a birthday/costume party the day after Halloween, so that was three times the fun this year!

In other news Anna is now on a once a week, once a day dose of her immunosupression! I can't even believe it, not even a bump in her liver numbers! She'll take her last dose in early December and then that's it! After that she will still go every other week for blood draws and every three months for clinic for a while, and in February she will have a biopsy to make sure her liver is handling everything. Also,
Annika is doing great, she got released from the hospital and is staying at
Kohl's house for a while as she needs to be monitored very closely. Let's hear it for healthy livers!!!!!
Oh yes, let me also post pictures. We actually also went to a little fun fair at the girl's school where they got their faces panted, so it wasn't a Halloween thing but I'll post those pictures too!