Continue to PRAY PLEASE. Annika is needing a lot of blood and fluids during her transplant.
Ok, everyone who might still read my blog. Hopefully people will browse here by chance, maybe even pass it on to your friends.
We need prayers for a fellow liver buddy of ours. Her name is Annika, some of you might read her mom's blog, Falling Down Is Also a Gift. She was listed for her third transplant within the past few weeks, and she received her call for transplant today, and on her mom's birthday!
Unfortunately, this will not be an easy transplant due to many past surgeries she has had in that area, not to mention her previous 2 transplants. Her surgeon (the same surgeon that did Anna's transplant) is estimating 18 hours. Please say prayers for this sweet little girl who has been through so much, her family, and the donor family.
Gosh, this picture is so old, Anna was 4, so three years ago. I think that was the last time we saw Annika, I just wanted to put a face to Annika's name.