We got to go to Navy Pier tonight for the Celebrate life party at the Children's museum. What a place! The kids had a blast, I was a nervous wreck though. Jason was out of town so I went on my own with the three girls. First of all, I have never driven into the city on my own (I mean into the heart of the city, and Lake shore drive), I can get to Children's with my eyes closed, or drive around that area, even the north side where we used to live. Driving in the city is very intimidating with all the traffic, the one way streets, the people, the angry drivers, the angry cab drivers, they all hated me today because of my driving slowly and not knowing where I was going. Mapquest got me as far as Navy Pier, but I had no idea where to go from there. Somehow I found a parking garage and parked. Then somehow I found out how to get to the museum from inside the garage. This was enough to make me wonder why I bothered in the first place. Once we got there though, we were there. I felt more calm as the night went until it was time to go home and get back into the car, and find my way out. That's a whole other story though. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
It was fun, the girls had a blast. Just a museum full of miracles! We saw lots of new faces, and lots of old faces. We saw Oliver the magician, who is also Anna's make a wish, wish granter. He is great with the kids. Anna warmed up to him right away, she remembered him so that was great. The secretary of state was also there, and some of Anna's doctors and nurses. We ran into a couple of kids that are in the same withdrawal study that Anna is in. One of them has been off for a while and is doing great! No complications at all! I think the other was almost done and is doing great. This gives up so much hope for the future. I am so happy for these kids and their families, and so grateful to the wonderful doctors and nurses for conducting such a study. It's amazing to me that my daughter will be off all meds by Christmas this year, since we were told in the beginning that she would be on medicine for the rest of her life. All these advances in medicine!
Here are some pictures. Enjoy!
Anna with Oliver, her wish granter.

Water fun!

Digging up dinosaur bones!