There is not much to report, so this is just an entry so that you all know that we are all alive and well!
This cold weather has been kicking our buts! I can't stand the snow at all, and we have had a couple of below zero days. It's brutal! Winter in Chicago is not an easy thing to deal with. I can't wait to be able to just have the girls slip on their sandles and just walk outside. It can take so long to bundle all three up to go out.
School has been keeping me busy too. I am studying my butt off! It's not easy with three little ones who want/need my attention. I have been feeling really bad that I have been spending so much time with my nose in my books because my girls are not used it. Also my house is not looking so hot either because when it's all said and done the last thing I want to do is clean my house!
A post would not be a post without a picture or two, right?! Remember when I posted almost four months ago that my best friends baby and my niece were born a day apart from each other? Well, I never had a picture of my niece to post because my camera died out that day after taking so many pictures of Noah (Jenny's baby whom I went to visit first that day). I finally got to see baby Christina last week for the first time since I saw her in the hospital when she was born. We were over at my brother's house for a few hours and this baby didn't cry, or even fuss once! She is so good, she just sits there and takes everything in! What a doll!
Christina's big sister wanted nothing to so with having her picture taken!