Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been sick, again. Oh boy, am I sick and tired, of being sick and tired. This has been going on since Thanksgiving, and it keeps getting passed around. I was sick on Christmas, and went to urgent care the day after. I have a sinus infection, Bronchitis and pink eye. I had a breathing treatment and was sent home with antibiotics, Robitussin with Codine, and some eye drops. I don't think I have ever had such a bad sinus infection before. It was so bad I couldn't even lift my head off the pillow in the morning. And the coughing is so bad sometimes I can't catch my breath and sometimes vomit. I have been through 5 big boxes of puffs plus with lotion and Aloe in three days and I still look like Rudolf the red nosed reindeer! It's terrible! Jason went to urgent care after I came home from there. We had to take turns. He also has Bronchitis, not a sinus infection, but strep throat! The girls are fine, I can't believe it. I am so glad though, but I feel terrible that I was miserable during Christmas and Christmas break for them. The house is a terrible mess! I promised them that we could host play dates here while they are on break from school but now that's a no. Maybe these antibiotics will kick in and by next week I'll be feeling much better.
Anyway, I want to post some Christmas pictures. We still did manage to have a nice Christmas day. I felt the worst the day after, so I am thankful that I was able to do stuff with the girls.
Here are some pictures of the girls decorating the sugar cookies the Saturday before Christmas.

Here are some taken on Christmas eve and Jason's parents house. Alexandria took a nice long nap, which did not help her to go to bed early enough that night for Santa to arrive early. Mary and Papa doing a crossword puzzle together, Mary playing some Christmas music on her Viola for us, and Anna made the programs for Mary's performance! Jason and the girls putting out the milk and cookies for Santa, and then myself and the girls!

Santa came!!!!!!

Cats love Christmas too!

Anna got what she asked Santa for!

Mary got what she asked Santa for too!

All three must have been on the Nice list!

Playing on Chirstmas day!

Grama and Papa come to visit too!