So sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I decided to take a little break from the computer in general. Things are going ok. The girls can't wait for Christmas break. We have some things planned, so it'll be nice! Jason and I went shopping for the girls gifts from Santa yesterday. It was the first time we went shopping this year for Christmas, and It'll be the last. It is really disappointing to see such crabby people throughout Toys R US, and even more annoying that the workers act as if your pulling their teeth to help you. I know they get bombarded with questions and have to deal with some mean and rude people, but it doesn't give them the right to treat ALL of their costumers that way. Oh well, we got what we needed to get for them and we were done. I will not be going over there again, and it's not just because we don't have any more money to shop.
We also went to the mall to visit with Santa! That was the high light of the day/season. Alexandria was supper excited to see him (from a distance anyway) and the other girls kept rehearsing the way they would tell him what they wanted. The only thing I could get out of Alex was that she wanted a blue present with big ribbons. Here is how the conversation went:
"Alex, what are you going to ask Santa for?"
"Ummm.....get me presents!"
"OK, but what kind of presents?"
"My OWN presents!"
"Ok, of course your own, he will get Mary her own, Anna her own, and you your own, but what do you want your present to be?"
"Ummm....a blue one with....big ribbons!"
"Ok, how about when you take off the big ribbons and blue wrapping paper, what do you want to be inside?"
"Ummm....a present for me!"
I gave up, she doesn't care I guess. We went through the Toys R US big book and she pointed to every single thing on every single page. So, I will have to make sure Santa's present is in blue wrapping paper with a big bow. Not too hard. Anyway, we only waited 30 minutes for Santa, and we were the last people he saw before he went on his break for dinner. Thanks to my good friend Michelle, we got free pictures because she knows the people who take the pictures for Santa. Otherwise, I wasn't going to buy them. I think it is terrible that they won't let people take their own pictures anymore. I think they will start charging people to just have their kids sit on Santa's lap! It's terrible, I think, to not let people take their own pictures. Oh well, it's all about the money now. Alex wouldn't sit on his lap, she was so excited to go see him, but once we got up there she was scared, she cried and wouldn't sit on his lap. I did expect her to, but oh well. Once we left to view the pictures and he got up to go to dinner, she was all about him again. Waiving and calling out his name and everything. Oh well, she still had fun!

If I don't post again until after Christmas, don't' worry. I will be busy for the rest of the days with cookies and grocery shopping and all that!
Merry Christmas everyone!