Ok, I know that I don't post much about sports. And I know that the Bears are stinking this year. But Sunday the Bears put on a good show. Very exciting game! With not much time left in the game (ok, I don't know about statistics, and I don't have a good memory, I know this could me a little more specific) the bears scored two touchdowns to tie the game, sending them into overtime. For those who don't know much about football, in overtime the first to score wins the game. Thankfully the Bears won the coin toss, and got the ball at the start of overtime. Rex Grossman (their quarterback) stepped it up and got them into field goal range. Robbie Gould kicked the game winning field goal, and the game was over! Bears win! The score was 37-34. Definitely not a boring football game! Now all they need to do is win all the rest of their games to make it into the playoffs (I think that is what Jason said, and no, I do not watch sports center).
Yay, Robbie Gould!!!!!!!!!

Go Bears!!!!!!!!!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Just in cast anyone was wondering, we are all feeling better. Not 100%, but good enough for the girls to be able to go to school today!