Anna's school pictures came out pretty good! Somehow we only received Anna's pictures and not Mary's. Actually, the photo lab messed up more than loosing Mary's pictures. Anna's background was just supposed to be basic grey, not green, but actually I don't mind the green. I could send them back and have her take retakes, but i don't want to do that just because the background isn't the right color. With my luck her eyes would be closed in the pictures they takd on retake day. I don't know what's going on with Mary's pictures, she might have to go on retake day. Anyway, here is Anna's picture.

(click to enlarge)

But, I do have a proud Mommy thing to use for Mary. Last year in third grade Mary took the ISAT (Illinois Achievement Test) tests for the first time. Actually, she missed the whole week of testing because she was sick with the flu that whole week. She was able to do makeups, and she was so sick with nervousness about sitting in a room on her own and not doing them with everyone else, that I thought for sure she wouldn't do her best. Turns out, I was wrong. Mary exceeds Standards in both Reading and Mathematics. In National comparisons, in reading Mary did as well or better than 79% of students national, and in Mathematics, 88%!

And Alex, I'm always proud of my Alexandria Rose. She just doesn't get school pictures or test results from school. She sure is growing up though. Although I am still waiting for her to potty train, she is so supper smart. I know that she can use the potty because she stayed dry for two days when we first started. She just chooses not to use the potty. She can sing her whole alphabet, has a huge vocabulary (sometimes too huge) and can sure play dress up, and dresses herself when she plays. She can count up to 15, sometimes missing a number or two, and up to ten in Spanish, Thanks Dora!