Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Hello September!

Things are settling down around here for now. Last week Mary and Anna had a less eventful week at school than the week before with the Tornado Warning and being held at school on the second day. Both Mary and Anna are loving school so far. I went to both of their curriculum nights last week. Curriculum night is when you go to your child's school and listen to what the principle and PTA has to say, then you are dismissed to your child's classroom to hear what the teacher has planned for the children during the school year. It was nice to get out, without the kids even though it was for the kids. This week is a short week with Labor day. Mary is starting orchestra today, she was so excited to bring her Viola with her to school. She is also going to sign up for the 4Th and 5Th grade chorus. So, between Orchestra performances, and rehearsals and Chorus performances and rehearsals, our year will be booked. I also plan on Anna starting Daisies this year. Mary did Daisies in Kindergarten and was a brownie through 2ND grade. She would still be in it if it wasn't for her starting 3rd grade in a different school district. They didn't have any room in their troop of 22 girls at her new school. It wasn't that big of a deal to her, she was disappointed but got over it pretty quickly. I think she was outgrowing girls scouts, and they usually start dropping out in third grade anyway. So, now I am filling up my calender with school stuff.

September will very soon be a busy month, the quiet will not last for long. Anna's Birthday is on the 14Th, Mary's Birthday is on the 19TH, we have a wedding to go to this Saturday, and a baby shower the day after. Then we have my niece's 7Th Birthday and Jason's second cousin, so the girl's third cousin's 8Th Birthday. Not to mention all the school functions going on. But the thing I am most excited for is that my friend Jenny is due to have her baby late this month, she is expecting her second boy, and we just cant wait!

Last Saturday the girls enjoyed going over to their cousins house for a visit. It was nice to visit with my sister Wendy and her kids Randy and Krystal. My brother Tim also showed up with his wife and 2 year old daughter Hannah.

Also, over the weekend Anna lost her 5Th and 6Th tooth! The tooth fairy is going broke! Her teeth just keep falling out, with a little help from Anna of course. She just won't leave them alone. I begged her not to mess with them until at least some of her big teeth come in! One more thing on the to do list this month is to pay a visit to the dentist for Mary and Anna. Last time we were there, only 6 months ago, Anna only had a few loose teeth. Our dentist is going to have a heart attack when Anna opens her mouth for her! Every time we go to the dentist we are told that Anna needs work. Poor girl has already had a root canal and 6 cavities. She was having problems with sensitivity because she grinds her teeth in the middle of the night, and she had them ground down to the nerves. She has had a set of sealants put in that are already gone from her grinding. I guess it's a good thing she is loosing all her teeth at once, because once she gets all her big teeth she will be fitted for a night guard so that she doesn't ruin her big teeth. The way things are going, she will loose all of her teeth at once and they will all grow in at the same time and we won't have a problem with ruining her big teeth. Thank god she is good at the dentist. Mary freaks out when she goes, and she hasn't even had a cavity yet! Anyway, wish us luck with that, hopefully she won't need any additional work done this time!

Ok, I know I am a picture freak, but I just can't help posting pictures of the girls!

Here are the with their cousins at my sister's house. From Left to Right: Mary, Anna, Krystal, Hannah, Alexandria, and Randy
I don't know why I never get anyone to take pictures of me with my girls, or with my niece and nephew, or with my own Sister and Brother. If you want to see a picture of Wendy and myself just look at the picture of Mary, and the one of Krystal together, and there you go. Me and Wendy as kids! It's uncanny!

And, miss Anna with all of her missing teeth being silly! She says she looks like a Halloween pumpkin. At least she has that big front tooth, and her two bottoms growing in so nicely!