Observation day for Anna's gymnastics class was held last week. Parents got to go and watch what the children have learned for the past eight weeks. Anna was definitely comfortable showing off for us, which is unusual for her. When we are at home and she is dancing to music in her room she'll stop as soon as we walk in the door. Ballet class was the same last year. If she saw me peek in she would stop what she was doing right then and there and yell at me, "don't watch me!" Sounds braty I know, but that's the way she is, or was I guess. The instructers would try to help her and she would tell them, "no, I can do it myself!" After everything she did in class she stopped first to make sure we were watching (Jason, myself and Grama went) then would look directly at us as she finished with the biggest smile she could give. She was very proud of herself, and we were very proud of her. It made me mad that all of the other parents were not watching their kids, but talking to each other instead. I guess I can appreciate these things more than them. They were letting their other children do as they please, so I was trying to snap pictures and they were getting in the way, and on top of that my camera was running out of battery power so the pictures didn't come out very well.

Not much else going on here. The girls are excited about Halloween. Anna is going to be Cinderella (that was a given) Mary wanted to be something scarey, she's going as a zombie cheerleader (can't wait to see how that turns out) Alexandria is going as a flower. I have scrubs from when Anna was inpatient so I will be a nurse or doctor, and Jason got a black robe, I'm not sure what he is going as, the grim reaper or something? Your guess is as good as mine. I don't really like dressing up for Halloween, but Jason and the girls call me a party pooper if I don't. Halloween is Jason's holiday. He loves it, I like to pick through the girls candy for chocolate! Friday we are going to Six Flags Great America for frightfest. That should be fun, haunted houses and scary people walking around. We will all have a good time, except Alex, she will have fun with Grama.
Speaking of Alex, she is almost there with her crawling and is sitting up well on her own. It sure is amazing how much they change in 6 months. She went to doing nothing to doing everything. Still waiting for that first tooth to pop in though. Now that she is sitting on her own she can sit in her high chair. Look at how big she looks!