We ran into one of Anna's friends from Ballet and her mother at the pool today. Of course Anna was instantly happy to see her friend and they headed right for the little slide, and slide down it over and over again. While this was going on I was talking to the little girl's mother. After only a couple minutes of small talk she butted into my turn with "sorry to interrupt, but I just have to ask why Anna has that scar." I then, without hesitation, went on to tell her our story. She then responded with something that I was not expecting. I usually get a, "wow, that must have been hard" or "well, she looks great now!" or "you would never know by just looking at her." Something along those lines, but her response was "and you put a 2 piece bathing suite on her?" I was very surprised, and offended by her response. I wish I could have come up with something brilliant in our defense, but I'm not very witty. I told her "why not? She liked it, she picked it out, and I'm not ashamed of what happened to her, and neither is she." She just kindof nodded and walked away. For the rest of the time she was there she was glaring in our direction. Later at the concession stand she was talking to one of her snotty friends, and I overheard something along the lines of "she just wants attention." I was horrified! She thinks that I am exposing my daughter for attention! I was hurt at first. I am still very upset about the whole thing, but the more I think about it, the more angry I get. For the whole 8 months that our girls where in Ballet together she was very nice, we talked (not like we were best friends, but casual mother to mother stuff) and the subject never came up, so I never just brought it up. For her to think that I want attention for it now is absolutely nuts.
So, is it wrong for me to put Anna in a 2 piece? I am thinking of great comebacks to say if this happens again, or if we run into her again, but I am drawing a blank. Any feedback would be great!

This picture was taken in early June this year.