My beautiful Ballerina

The whole class

Dancing the dance
I actually took these pictures at Anna's dress rehearsal because they won't let you video tape or take pictures at the actual recital because, "it's dangerous for the dancers." I know the real reason though, they tape it and take professional pictures for you, but it costs an arm and a leg. What a scam, good way to make even more money for themselves. Of course I buy them anyway. I am very thankful that my good friend Lorraine (the one that so many amazing pictures for me of the girls), that she let me borrow her very expensive professional camera so that I can take these pictures, then she burned them on a disc for me. Thanks Lorraine, your too good to me!
So, the dress rehearsal went very well. I was afraid Anna would freak out and not want to get up on the stage, but she proved me wrong! She went right up there and danced her little hart out. I wanted to cry, and I'm sure that tomorrow at the recital I will. The song that they dance to is "Oh what a miracle am I." I wish I knew how to upload that song on a blog for everyone to hear, it's so precious, and appropriate to me, for it to be the song for Anna's class to dance to. I was so proud of her, she did very well. Anna is known to be the class clown in dance class always goofing off and getting others in trouble for following in her footsteps. I thought she was going to goof around on stage. I wasn't even sure if she