Everything went well today. We got there at 6:30 this morning, they took her in at 7:30 as scheduled, and we were sent home at 2:30. Anna didn't want to wake up right away afterward, but there weren't any problems, she was just tired. When she did wake up she was very loopy and kept dropping her Popsicle and giggling about it. She was adorable. Everything got done when it needed to get done, and everyone was nice as usual, and Anna got many parting gifts including her bubble gum scented sleepy mask. The only thing that didn't go well was the ride home! Snow again! I am so sick of it! It took us until 5:30 to get home, and it only took us 40 minutes to get to the hospital this morning.
Anyway, Anna is back to her normal self. We will get the results possibly by this coming Monday, and if everything looks good we will start the weaning Monday!
Just wanted to let everyone know that Anna is participating in the withdrawal study. I talked about this in a past post, but it's been a while. You can read about it more HERE
When we went to clinic on Anna's anniversary, Jason and I talked to Dr. Ekong more about the study and our worries and concerns, and we decided to go ahead and do it! It only took a year for us to decide! It made us feel better when Dr. Ekong said that they "really cherry pick" the patients they chose to be in this study, and they wouldn't involve Anna unless they were sure that we could all handle it. Anna had some blood tests the week after she had labs done during transplant clinic. When all of those came back and looked good, they decided to go ahead and schedule the biopsy. They want to be certain that everything looks good before they go ahead with the weaning of her prograf, and that's why they do the biopsy for this study. The biopsy was one of the things that was holding me back from wanting to do the study in the first place, but now she is due for one anyway since it's been three years (our center likes to do a routine biopsy every three years).
I am nervous, but excited to do this! The weaning is done over a 9 month period. She will go back to going for clinic every three months, and labs every other week. If everything goes good with the weaning Anna will be off all meds by next year! I'm so excited for that! Maybe Anna will be a help for patients in the future!
Wish us luck tomorrow! We have to stay for 6 hours after they do the biopsy so that they can monitor her liver functions! It will be a long day, and Anna is a little nervous about it.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Easter Pictures
We had a busy weekend. My friend Jessie was here for the weekend, and of course there was Easter! We had good food, and lots of fun. I hosted this year! Gave Grandma a break this year, so Jason's parents were here, uncle victor, and Baily, (the dog) since her family went away for the weekend! There was no playing outside though because of the snow we got, but the girls still searched for eggs inside the house and they got Easter baskets from the Easter Bunny and from Grandma and Papa. I might as well call the dentist and make an appointment for fillings now, because of all the candy they got! I have been helping them eat it though, you know, trying to do them a favor;)

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Anna's new due!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Grandma Update/Breast Cancer Three Day
Just wanted to post an update about how Jason's mom is handling her breast cancer treatments. Lynne is in her 3rd week of radiation. She had really positive attitude in the beginning, but it is getting very hard for her right now. Her spirit is a little low, and she is sick of going for treatments everyday and she doesn't like feeling so tired all the time. Her skin in the area where they shoot the radiation at is getting very red and irritated. It looks like a sunburn, and she said it is starting to feel like one too. She still has two more full weeks to go to make the 5 1/2 weeks full of treatment. If everyone can say a little prayer for her it would be greatly appreciated.
Also, a very good friend of mine who lives in Seattle is doing the breast cancer three day this year. I also mentioned this in a previous post. I have known Jessie since high school, we grew on the same street, and we are still very close. She is walking this year in honor of Lynne, and she needs a little help to reach her goal of money that she needs to raise to participate. I'm not asking for a lot, every little bit can help. If you go to her personal page HERE you can make a contribution of any amount that you would feel comfortable with. Please join her in the fight against breast cancer!
Also, a very good friend of mine who lives in Seattle is doing the breast cancer three day this year. I also mentioned this in a previous post. I have known Jessie since high school, we grew on the same street, and we are still very close. She is walking this year in honor of Lynne, and she needs a little help to reach her goal of money that she needs to raise to participate. I'm not asking for a lot, every little bit can help. If you go to her personal page HERE you can make a contribution of any amount that you would feel comfortable with. Please join her in the fight against breast cancer!
Monday, March 17, 2008
When will people mind their own business?
We went shopping at Kohl's last night for Easter dresses for the girls. Alexandria was acting like the typical two year old, running around the store, hiding in the clothing racks, pulling clothes off the hangers, stuff like that. I had finally had enough so I put her in one of those stroller carts. She wasn't very happy about it, but I didn't want to chase her around the store anymore. I wanted to look around with the Jason and the girls and see how they looked when they tried on dresses. So, Mary and Anna go into a dressing room and Jason and I wait outside of the dressing room by the girls' clothes browsing some more. Alex is crying to get out of the cart. Jason gets a dirty look from some random shopper that I didn't catch. I hear this lady tell Jason, "I think she wants to get out!" I turn around thinking that it was a sarcastic comment made by some knowingly mother, so I say, "you think?" But then I see her face, and I hear Jason telling her to mind her own business I knew she wasn't just being sarcastic. After that I said, "Are you serious, your actually serious?" She goes on to tell us that she can't stand to see a child restrained and how would we like it if it were us! She was acting as though she caught us beating our child! Oh, my goodness! I was almost speechless! Comments were made back and forth. She was calling us bad parents! So I ask her, "I'm sorry, but is it terrible that we don't want her running around the store destroying everything, or getting lost and snatched up by some creep? This makes us bad parents?" Gosh, I don't' remember the conversation exactly, but I started getting loud and Jason had to pull me away before I went after that B@*%#!!!!!! What gave her the right to try to tell someone that they were bad parents, and how to be a good parent? What makes someone think that they can just go around telling people what to do? I am still fuming about this! Why did Jason hold me back? I would have felt so good to slap that woman right across the face!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I forgot to post the pictures we took at Anna's Anniversary celebration last week. We had a great time at TGI Fridays, followed by cake and presents at our house later. Anna had a wonderful time on her special day. We are all very blessed to have this little girl in our lives. I can't imagine it being any other way, and that's why we celebrate our little miracle girl every year.


Monday, March 10, 2008
Kids say the darnedest!
It's been hard for me to post because I wanted my priviest post to stay up because of the montage. Problem solved though, I was able to put a small player on my sidebar! How exciting!
Anyway, I just had to post this. Everyone I've told has cracked up over this. We were at church on Sunday. We are still new to going to church, and I don't think I have really blogged about it yet, but that is something I can always get into later. Anyway, the Bishop led us in prayer after the sacrament. In his payer he mentions Jesus Christ (not something unusual at church, right?). Mind you, everyone is silent, even most of the kids. This gave my lovely, new to attending church, almost three year old daughter, the opportunity to ask about Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ??????!!!!!!
Who the heck is that??????!!!!!!
Who the heck is Jesus Christ??????!!!!!!
Jesus Christ?????!!!!!!!
It took everything I had to NOT laugh at her, but at the same time I was so embarrassed. Same with Mary and Anna, and almost everyone in the church! She was so loud! Guess we need to attend Church more frequently! LOL
So, this also reminded me of some similar things the older girls have said that was hilarious, and we all still talk and laugh about today!
Anna had a stomach bug once. I felt bad for her because she was on the toilet all day. She was probably almost three years old in the summertime. Anyway, she is sitting on the toilet for the umpteenth time that day. I walk into the bathroom and I ask her in a very sincere tone, "Anna, have you got the runs?" She looks up at me and she says, "no Mommy, the Cubies get the runs!"
Maybe this is not funny to some if you don't know Chicago Cubs baseball. During the 7th inning stretch they have someone lead the stadium in singing, "take me out to the ball game," and when the song is over they say, "lets get some runs!" This a big thing in our household, we all stop to sing along, and that's where Anna got, "no Mommy, the Cubies get the runs!" LOL
And now we get to Mary. Probably about the same age, 2, almost 3. A dear friend of ours comes over and we decide to go to the Chinese Buffet across the street for dinner. Of course Buffet means all you can eat, which means we all stuffed ourselves. So, we get home and Victor (our friend) is moaning and groaning. He says, "Oh man, I feel fat!" Mary says to him, in a very matter of fact tone of voice, "but Victor, you ARE fat!" LOL! Don't worry, his feeling weren't hurt and he still laughs about it to this day!
Don't kids say the darnedest things?
Anyway, I just had to post this. Everyone I've told has cracked up over this. We were at church on Sunday. We are still new to going to church, and I don't think I have really blogged about it yet, but that is something I can always get into later. Anyway, the Bishop led us in prayer after the sacrament. In his payer he mentions Jesus Christ (not something unusual at church, right?). Mind you, everyone is silent, even most of the kids. This gave my lovely, new to attending church, almost three year old daughter, the opportunity to ask about Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ??????!!!!!!
Who the heck is that??????!!!!!!
Who the heck is Jesus Christ??????!!!!!!
Jesus Christ?????!!!!!!!
It took everything I had to NOT laugh at her, but at the same time I was so embarrassed. Same with Mary and Anna, and almost everyone in the church! She was so loud! Guess we need to attend Church more frequently! LOL
So, this also reminded me of some similar things the older girls have said that was hilarious, and we all still talk and laugh about today!
Anna had a stomach bug once. I felt bad for her because she was on the toilet all day. She was probably almost three years old in the summertime. Anyway, she is sitting on the toilet for the umpteenth time that day. I walk into the bathroom and I ask her in a very sincere tone, "Anna, have you got the runs?" She looks up at me and she says, "no Mommy, the Cubies get the runs!"
Maybe this is not funny to some if you don't know Chicago Cubs baseball. During the 7th inning stretch they have someone lead the stadium in singing, "take me out to the ball game," and when the song is over they say, "lets get some runs!" This a big thing in our household, we all stop to sing along, and that's where Anna got, "no Mommy, the Cubies get the runs!" LOL
And now we get to Mary. Probably about the same age, 2, almost 3. A dear friend of ours comes over and we decide to go to the Chinese Buffet across the street for dinner. Of course Buffet means all you can eat, which means we all stuffed ourselves. So, we get home and Victor (our friend) is moaning and groaning. He says, "Oh man, I feel fat!" Mary says to him, in a very matter of fact tone of voice, "but Victor, you ARE fat!" LOL! Don't worry, his feeling weren't hurt and he still laughs about it to this day!
Don't kids say the darnedest things?
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
6 years for Anna!
Tomorrow is Anna's 6 year transplant Anniversary! I can't believe it's been 6 years already! It seems like just yesterday, but it also seems like forever ago
Tomorrow we go for transplant clinic. We are going bright and early for ultrasound, then labs before clinic, and we just might sign the papers for the withdrawal study during clinic after Jason asks the questions and voices the concerns he has ( he hasn't been able to speak with the doctors directly about it yet). I'll let you know what we decide. We most likely will do it, and I am very excited about that! We will also have to schedule a day to get Anna's biopsy done, because they like to do that every three years. After that we have more plans for the day to celebrate, so that is why I am posting today!
I also made a Montage in honor of Anna's 6 year liver birthday! This is my first Montage, and it took me a while to make it, so please take a look if you have the time. I think it came out ok!
Tomorrow we go for transplant clinic. We are going bright and early for ultrasound, then labs before clinic, and we just might sign the papers for the withdrawal study during clinic after Jason asks the questions and voices the concerns he has ( he hasn't been able to speak with the doctors directly about it yet). I'll let you know what we decide. We most likely will do it, and I am very excited about that! We will also have to schedule a day to get Anna's biopsy done, because they like to do that every three years. After that we have more plans for the day to celebrate, so that is why I am posting today!
I also made a Montage in honor of Anna's 6 year liver birthday! This is my first Montage, and it took me a while to make it, so please take a look if you have the time. I think it came out ok!
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