I can't believe how much Anna has grown up in the past couple of months. First off she became a big sister! When I brought Alexandria home form the hospital I realized how very big and grown up Anna
is. She looked HUGE!!!! Then she got her first birthday party invitation from a friend at Ballet. It's not like she's never been to a birthday party before but they're always from family, or friends of the family addressed to all of us. This one came in the mail in her name, just for her, and she was just ecstatic. You could tell she felt "cool", like her big sister Mary who in the past couple weeks has received two invites from friends. This couldn't have come in at a better time, she didn't have to feel left out again. On the day of the party I thought for sure Anna would be super excited, but she played cool. I would ask her if she was excited about the party and she would be so nonchalant about it, like it was no big deal, like she does it everyday. When I dropped her off I was the one hesitant about it. I thought she would be clingy and maybe not even want to stay, but it was me who was clingy and not wanting to leave her there. I was finally convinced by the little girl's mother that Anna is fine, and will remain fine, and that I should leave. Of course when I finally left I cried. I'm not sure if it was because I was happy that she is growing and
HEALTHY, or because I felt like I was loosing my baby (aka, big girl). So I pick her up from the party and ask her if it was fun and what did she do, and she is still cool about the whole thing. She just sounded annoyed that I kept on asking her when clearly she didn't want to talk to me about it. It wasn't until after we got home and she was talking to Mary about the party, that I knew she actually had a blast! They sounded so cute talking to each other like they were best friends!
Also last week Anna got her costume for her dance recital, and she looks just darling in it! It's pink (Anna' favorite color) with sequence or "sprinkles" as Anna would say. They are dancing to a song called "Oh What a Miracle Am I". Is that just perfect for her, or what? She has got the dance down, and she she knows what to do. She told us that she is ready to dance on stage, but I wonder if when the time comes will she be out there with the rest of the dancers from her class? I hope so, Jason thinks she'll be just fine. But without me? (sob)
I am so glad, and thankful to God, that Anna has the chance to go to birthday parties, be in a dance recital, and just be able to be a kid without any worries. I have to let her grow up. She is not a babie anymore, but she will always be
my baby.

My "Big Girl"